Hello world!

I'm Fernando Serrano Baccarelli

Brief intro

I am an enthusiastic people oriented person with the excellence to deliver process improvements and application developments.

I'm passionate about organizational design and management because it's art, it's a team effort and makes a difference in peoples’ lives. I can perceive how different people will interact, thrive and perform together.

Efficiency, fairness and simplicity is my mantra


Some projects I have worked on

2021 to Present - Sr. Engineering Manager @ Yalo

Yalo is conversational platfrom that works on top of Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger

Responsible for the customer facing products for Yalo: conversational flow builder, campaigns sender, sales desk, and user management

My organization consist in 20 people, 3 managers, 17 individual contributors

Main activities:

  • System design & architecture
  • People management: hiring, career development
  • Process management: software development lyfe cycle, scrum
  • Objective definition: OKRs, KPIs

Tech Stack:

  • Google Cloud Platorm - Docker - Kubernetes
  • MongoDB - MySQL - Redis - Kafka
  • Javascript: Node.js - React.js
  • GoLang

2020 to 2021 - Engineering Manager @ Rappi

Engineering Manager for "Turbo" project (10 min delivery for groceries).

Rappi bought 2 companies to kick off this project in Mexico and Brazil. It was my role to manage engineers from the 2 existing companies, plus some other engineers from Rappi. The challenge was to unify the codebases and have a single system to manage the operation in Latam while we also customized the system for our particular needs. I helped the team to transition inventory, billing, and other configuration from the existing companies to Rappi in order to kick-off our very own operations. Another interesting piece was the integration with the Rappi app, which is our main sales channel.

In parallel, I've been constantly involved in hiring and growing the team by adding more backend, frontend, data scientist, and mobile engineers

By the time I left, I was responsible for 3 teams (Tech Leads, BE engs, FE engs, Mobile engs, QA engs)

Main activities:

  • System design & architecture
  • Hiring: Backend engineers, Frontend engineers, Data analyst
  • Career development
  • Partner with PM to define and estimate projects

Tech Stack:

  • Google Cloud Platorm - Docker - Kubernetes
  • MySQL - Redis - Firestore
  • Javascript: Node.js - React.js

2016 to 2020 - Engineering Manager @ Eventbrite (NYSE:EB)

2016 to 2019 - Pricing, Taxes, and Payments

I started the Pricing team in 2016, it was created with 2 engineers and I as a manager. Along the time, I managed to grow the team up to 8 engineers, 1 PM. During this period the Taxes team was born to fulfill needs to better manage taxes across the world for the platform. The most relevant projects during this time was to change the value proposition for Eventbrite by providing different plans (ie: silver, gold, platinum) to the end users

During this period, I took the lead on the Payments team after the manager left. By this time I was focused on the integration with a new payment processor and finding a long term manager for this team.

2019 to 2020 - Core Backend / Architecture

I was assigned as an Eng Manager for the Core Backend team. This was a very interesting challenge because of the nature of the projects and also the dynamics on the team. This team was formed by 1 engineer in San Francisco (US), 2 engineers and 1 PM in Tennessee and 3 engineers in Argentina. The main responsibilities for this team were:

  • All common backend libraries like logging, metrics, some mechanisms to publish data from MySQL to Kafka and other customs libraries for Eventbrite
  • Authentication, authorization and user management

2020 - Present

COVID-19 triggered a new re-org in the company and I was assigned to work specifically on authentication, authorization and user management. This is a team formed by 4 engineers, 1 PM and I

Main activities:

  • Strategic planning of the engineering disciplines goals and objectives, and measurement of their execution
  • Hiring: Backend engineers, Frontend engineers, QA, SRE(DevOps)
  • Mentoring, coaching and helping engineer to advance in their career.
  • Partner with PM to define and estimate projects
  • Frequent interaction with senior leadership

2015 to 2016 – Software engineer @ Eventbrite

At time, Eventbrite acquired a company in LatAm. My role was to help with the integration between both companies, migrating features from the previous company into the Eventbrite platform

Key technologies: Python, Backbone.js

2012 to 2015 – Project leader @ Instituto Zaldivar

Acting as a process engineer in the health industry. My main activities were around defining processes and configuring the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planner) to support those processes.

Main activities:

  • Gather requirements
  • Analysis and design of processes
  • Anouncing changes/improvements
  • Training final users
  • Supplier evaluation and contract negotiation
  • Coach of agile methodologies
  • Development of small pieces of software

2009 to 2012 - Project leader @ CVT

Project lead and tech lead for a team of 5 people. Initially I was hired as a software developer, but a few months later the team grew and I was promoted to Tech Lead

Main activities:

  • Projects estimations
  • Assigning work to people
  • Code review
  • Performance assesments
  • Writing software

2007 to 2009 – QA Engineer @ Belatrix SF

In charge of guaranteeing the quality of the software the team produced. I had the opportunity to be part of several projects in different teams which gave me a great understanding about what the software development process is about


Always learning something new

2013 – MBA @ UTN.FRM

The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business such as accounting, applied statistics, business communication, business ethics, business law, finance, managerial economics, management, entrepreneurship, marketing and operations in a manner most relevant to management analysis and strategy.

2009 – Systems engineering @ UTN.FRM

An interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design and manage complex systems over their life cycles. At its core, systems engineering utilizes systems thinking principles to organize this body of knowledge. Issues, such as: requirements engineering, reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams, testing and evaluation, maintainability and many other disciplines necessary for successful system development, design, implementation, and ultimate decommission, all become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as industrial, mechanical, manufacturing, control, software and electrical engineering, cybernetics, organizational studies and project management. Systems engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole.


In continuous improvement process


Strategic planning


Project Managment


Agile methodologies


Coaching and mentoring




Software development



Extra data

Travel availability

U.S. VISA up to date


Spanish and English


Sports: Soccer and snowboarding


Hope to see you again!

Contact data

Email: nandosb@gmail.com

Phone number: (+54) 9261 364 2406


